Q - Does Cardboard Portfolio have a store location?
A - No. Cardboard Portfolio is a Trade-Show and Online based business only.
Q - Who operates Cardboard Portfolio?
A - Cardboard Portfolio is owned and operated by Reid Moss.
Q - Where is Cardboard Portfolio based out of?
A - Cardboard Portfolio LLC is based in Berlin Michigan.
Q - Will Cardboard Portfolio buy cards and collections?
A - Absolutely! If you are selling music cards or a collection of music cards, feel free to contact me at reid@cardboardportfolio.com I will be happy to look through the music cards you are selling and will let you know if you have what I need. I pay cash for cards as well as trade my cards for your cards. Send me images of what you are selling and what your price is so I can look over your photos of what you have for sale.
Q - What is the best way to contact you?
A - Email is the best way reid@cardboardportfolio.com